Computer numerical control (CNC) machines provide a wide variety of functions to component manufacturers and fabrication shops. These machines can offer precision cutting, drilling, milling, and grinding of metal parts by using programmable controls. This subtractive manufacturing method may create simple and complex parts for a wide range of industries.

When using the term CNC machine, it is a category for several pieces of equipment using CNC software. Types of CNC machines include CNC lathes and turning centers, CNC grinders, CNC waterjets, plasma cutters, laser cutters, drilling machines, milling machines and many more.. If you are looking for equipment for your operations, used CNC machines for sale may fit more into your budget.
Here are several factors to consider if you are purchasing used CNC boring mills and other equipment.
Consider Axes
CNC machines come with different axes, which is the number of ways that the machine works the metal into the desired part. There are usually 3-axis to a milling machine: X-axis (vertical), Y-axis (horizontal), and Z-axis (depth). So the machine is able to move its spindle and rotary blades up and down, side to side, and back and forth while the metal stays still.
Yet you may also purchase machines that allow for additional movement of the part, the table, or the spindle. The number of movements represents additional axes, as you can purchase 4-axis, 5-axis, 6-axis, 7-axis and so forth. Before purchasing a CNC machine, you will want to figure out how the spindle and rotary blades will move around the part to perform specific work. Then you can get a machine with the right axes.
CNC Software and Updates
The CNC console controls on the CNC mills need to be updated with the newest software periodically. When purchasing CNC machine tools, you want to ensure that the seller has updated the software to the latest upgrades. Due to the possibilities that CNC machinery has been placed into storage for months or even years, the software may be outdated as you will need to check to ensure that upgrades are still available for it.
Inspect Used CNC Machine Parts that Wear Out Quickly
When buying and selling CNC equipment, you want to inspect all parts visually while the machine is turned off and when it is in operation. You want to check the spindle and rotary cutters for excessive wear-and-tear, dents, or other types of damage. Ask the seller to run the machine so you can watch it move along the XYZ axes.
You will also want to watch and listen to the spindles as they move vertically for CNC vertical machines or horizontally for horizontal machining centers. A type of growling sound or other abnormal noises could indicate something is wrong with the bearings, or a high-pitched humming can indicate a problem with the servos.

Ask for Data Sheets and Maintenance Logs
The datasheets for vertical machining centers and other CNC machines can inform you about all the specific functions of that particular machine. By understanding the datasheet, you can look over the maintenance log and have a clearer picture of all the repairs that were performed.
Look for anomalies, such as constant repairs done to a specific part of the machine, as it could be an indicator of an ongoing issue that you would have to address. The maintenance logs can also help you further understand the condition of the machine, its age, and how often it was in use.
Equipment Hub: Provider of Used CNC Machines
When you are purchasing used CNC machines, you want to ensure that the piece of equipment and its functions will match your project requirements. Since these machines can come with multiple functions, you may find yourself investing in a CNC machining center instead of standalone pieces based on your operations.
Here at Equipment Hub, we offer a wide selection of used CNC machines for sale, with brands including Mori Seiki and DMG Mori. Buyers can also gain peace of mind that their equipment will run optimally due to our 30-day warranties for all our equipment as they can also gain access to our maintenance and repair services. For more information regarding our used CNC machine inventory, contact our company today.
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